We are smack in the middle of cold and flu season. A question that comes up often with diabetics, especially recently diagnosed diabetics, is “how do I manage my cold and diabetes at the same time?”
Remember, that having even a small illness can affect your blood sugar. You may need to test your blood glucose levels more often. Pay attention to your doctor’s suggestions and keep your blood sugar monitored more closely. During your sick days your blood glucose should stay around 150 mg/dl.
Also, make sure to stay hydrated. This will help you feel better as well as digest better. Check your urine for ketones–they should be negative or small.
Make sure to call your doctor if your ketones are moderate or large. Also, contact your health professional if your glucose is over 250 mg/dl. As always you should contact him or her if you have a fever over 101 that doesn’t respond to Tylenol, you feel confused, you have vomited more than once, you have diarrhea for more than one day or your symptoms are not getting better after two days.
Look for over-the-counter medicines that are sugar free and use sugar free drinks to stay hydrated. Remember that if you suffer from kidney disease to avoid ibuprofen.
The common cold can be annoying for anyone, but for those of us managing diabetes we have to take a few extra precautions.