Unfortunately, not everyone in our industry values their customers. Approximately about once a week we get a call that goes something like this:
Test Strip Search: “This is Test Strip Search, how can I help you?”
Caller (understandable upset) “I sent my strips to you three weeks ago and haven’t gotten paid!”
Test Strip Search: “Our apologies, can we get your name and zip code so we can fix the problem?”
Caller: Gives name and zip code
Test Strip Search: Looks on our system for customer file and it is not there. “You are not in our system–what company did you sent your strips to?”
At this point the caller realizes they sent their strips to a different company and we help them get the phone number of the company in question.
Hopefully, the company will answer their phone and hopefully the company will pay them. Unfortunately, a lot of the companies online don’t answer their phone and don’t hurry to get you paid.
These calls bother us because we know there are some “bad players” online buying diabetic strips and it makes us all look bad. We hate to see anyone get bad service, or even worse, ripped off.
We do several things to make sure NOT ONE CUSTOMER is disappointed by our service.
1.) We keep careful, confidential records. As a result of this, we can match every incoming shipping box to a customer file. If you send your strip to us, you get the payment!
2.) Your package is tracked. We record your tracking number but you can also snap a picture of it. Because of tracking, we both know exactly where your test strips are on any given day.
3.) Because cash is king, we pay you within 24 hours of receiving your test strips. Even if we can’t get ahold of you, we send your payment. If you can accept an electronic payment, it usually goes out the same day (always within the 24 hours). We offer PayPal, Cash App, Venmo and ACH so you get paid quickly.
4.) If the post office loses your shipment or your payment, it is our problem! We will reimburse you anything that gets lost in the USPS mail.
5.) We have someone to answer your questions and concerns SEVEN DAYS A WEEK until either 7pm (weekends) or 9pm (weekdays). Regardless of your needs, you get human service when you call us–no wondering if your voicemail or email will be returned.
6.) You can contact our owner, Wendy Carrier, on her cell phone if you have an issue. Because our boss is “on call”, our staff is determined to make it right with you/
Get a quote on your strips today at Test Strip Search or call us at 855 578 7477. Keep up to date with us on Facebook.