Extra Diabetic Supplies = Profit

For many people managing diabetes, blood glucose test strips are an essential part of daily life. However, sometimes individuals end up with more test strips than they need. Sell diabetes supplies rather than waste them.  For a reliable buyer of diabetic supplies, try Test Strip Search. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to sell your…

Sell Unused Diabetic Supplies: Top Practices

Managing diabetes involves numerous challenges, including maintaining an adequate supply of diabetic test strips and diabetic sensors.   Maybe your prescription changed, your condition improved, or you found a new brand. Instead of throwing them away, consider selling your unused diabetic test strips and sensors. It’s a win-win! You help the environment and make some…

Cartoon Man with A Question Mark

Where will your diabetic test strips end up?

When sending us your extra test strips, you may ask yourself something along the lines of, “Where will these end up?” You can be confident that your strips will end up helping other diabetics! We work alongside many others to guarantee you that all your diabetic test strips will go to somebody in need. Mostly,…

Doctor and a patient

Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes- just the thought seems scary. Hundreds of people are diagnosed with diabetes each day. But unfortunately, diabetes is often undiagnosed becomes the symptoms seem harmless. To decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes, read on. If you have Type One diabetes, you may suffer from frequent urination or unusual thirst. This is…